Extended functionalities means those features that are only available when web services are setup.
By default, those functionalities in the editor that require live connection to existing web services are disabled. To activate them, you have to set up address of these web services for the editor.
Use the setServices
method of the editor to apply its webservice settings. See
the Sketch apidoc for more details. If you want to activate all web services, please, see
the How To Embed section in the documentation that describes how you can insert an editor into a web page where all available web services are preset.
The default address of these services is defined in the webservices.js
. It may point to a copy of
JChem Webservices, Marvin JS Web Services or JChem Microservices. Optionally, the name of the protocol of each web service may also be specified (for details, see below).
If you have your own implementation for these services or your copy of any of the above mentioned web services is located on a different URL, you can overwrite default settings.
If not specified, all web service requests are sent according to the default protocol. However, some web services might use different protocols, which have to be specified in the
file or by invoking the setService()
API method.
In the passed JavaScript object, the property names correspond to the supported web services.
The property values can either be a single string, representing the URL, or an other JavaScript object, containing the URL and the protocol name of the web service.
If the protocol is not specified, its value is set to "default"
In particular, the Aromatize/dearomatize web service has two implementations (see below).
The JChem Webservices and Marvin JS Web Services use the default protocol, but when JChem Microservices are used, the value of the protocol property
has to be set to "JChemMicroservices"
{ "clean2dws" : <url of Clean2D webservice> "clean3dws" : <url of Clean3D webservice> "molconvertws" : <url of MolConvert webservice> "stereoinfows" : <url of CIP Stereo Info webservice> "reactionconvertws" : <url of Reaction converter webservice> "hydrogenizews" : <url of hydrogenize webservice> "automapperws" : <url of auto mapper webservice> "aromatizews" : { "url" : <url of aromatize webservice> "protocol" : <protocol of aromatize webservice> } }
Those web services that are referred by Marvin JS have to complete the following specifications.
This specification is based on The Marvin JS Micro Services REST API. Unlike this document is just a brief overview of this API, the Marvin JS Micro Service API doc give more details.{ "structure": <molecule source>, "parameters": { "dim": 2, "opts": <optional clean options> } }Parameters
Option | Type | Description |
dim | integer | clean dimension: 2 or 3 |
opts | string | further clean options (optional) |
{ "structure": <molecule source>, "inputFormat": <input format>, "parameters": <output format> }
{ "structure" : <output structure>, "format" : <output format>, "contentUrl" : <download link> }
{ "structure" : <molecule source> }
{ "tetraHedral" : [ { "atomIndex" : < 0 based index of atom>, "chirality" : < chirality flag ("R", "S", "R/S" )> }, ... ], "doubleBond" : [ { "atomIndex1" : <0 based index of first atom of the bond>, "atomIndex2" : <0 based index of second atom of the bond>, "cistrans" : <cistrans info ("E", "Z", "E/Z")> }, ... ] }
{ "structure": <molecule source>, "inputFormat": <input format>, "parameters": <output format> }
{ "structure" : <output structure>, "format" : <output format>, "contentUrl" : <download link> }
{ "structure": <molecule source>, "inputFormat": <input format>, "parameters": { "method": "HYDROGENIZE" } }
Option | Type | Description |
method | string | command to perform: HYDROGENIZE or DEHYDROGENIZE |
atoms | array of integer | subset of atom indeces to include or null for all |
{ "structure": <molecule source>, "inputFormat": <input format>, "parameters": { "autoMappingStyle": "COMPLETE" } }
{ "structure": <molecule source>, "inputFormat": <input format>, "parameters": <output format>, "filterChain": [ { "filter": "standardizer", "parameters": { "standardizerDefinition": <"aromatize" or "dearomatize"> } } ] }
{ "structure" : <output structure>, "format" : <output format>, "contentUrl" : <download link> }
{ "structures": [ <molecule source> ], "inputFormat": <input format>, "parameters": <output format>, "method": <"aromatize" or "dearomatize"> }
{ [ <output structure> ] }